Front Squat
1x2 @ 70%
1x2 @ 75%
3x6 @ 80%
If you felt comfortable yesterday use the same max:
Men add about 10 lbs to your max
Women add between 10-20 lbs to your max
Or decide weight by feel
In your last set either complete the 6 reps prescribed or do max reps up to 12
10 Min EMOM Press Work
Minutes 1-5: 1 Jerk @ 70%
Minute 6: change weight
Minute 7-10: 4 Push Press @ 65%
Comp WOD
10 Min AMRAP
11 Double Arm KB Clean and Jerk @ 25/45
9 C2B Pull Up
7 Burpee to Bar
5 Strict Pull Up
30 Meter KB Farmer Carry
Skill Work
6 Min EMOM
3-7 Strict HSPU
Cool Down
3 Rounds Not For Time
5 1-arm KB OHS each side
10 Glute Ham Raises
10 GHD Sit Ups
If you felt comfortable yesterday use the same max:
Men add about 10 lbs to your max
Women add between 10-20 lbs to your max
Or decide weight by feel
In your last set either complete the 6 reps prescribed or do max reps up to 12
10 Min EMOM Press Work
Minutes 1-5: 1 Jerk @ 70%
Minute 6: change weight
Minute 7-10: 4 Push Press @ 65%
Comp WOD
10 Min AMRAP
11 Double Arm KB Clean and Jerk @ 25/45
9 C2B Pull Up
7 Burpee to Bar
5 Strict Pull Up
30 Meter KB Farmer Carry
Skill Work
6 Min EMOM
3-7 Strict HSPU
Cool Down
3 Rounds Not For Time
5 1-arm KB OHS each side
10 Glute Ham Raises
10 GHD Sit Ups