Pistol 2

Pistol 2
This is designed for those of you who already have pistols but they slow you down in competition. This is to help with pistol cycle time, overall flexibility in the pistol, and weighted pistols. Pistol 3 will deal with overhead pistol work.

Day 1

     1A. Alternating Cossack Squat 3 x 10
     1B. Twisting Squats 3 x 4

     2A. Side to Side Squat 3 x 10 (not weighted)
     2B. Inside squat 3 x 4

     3. EMOM in 3 mins
          8 fast alternating touch and go KB weighted pistols to a LOW box

   Rest 30 seconds

     4. ME alternating pistols in 90 seconds

Day 2

     1A. Side to Side Squat 3 x 10 (not weighted)
     1B. Twisting Squats 3 x 4

     2A. Unweighted Speed Skater Squat 3 x 4 (each side)
     2B. Pistol Skiers 3 x 4 (each side)
                     See beginner gymnastics video 1

     3. Reverse Tabata Banded "shoot the duck" holds
                This exercise is to focus on keeping the non pistol leg up off the ground with good flexibility
                 Hold a hanging band in the hand of the non pistol leg
          Every minute for 4 minutes:
                    10 second R leg pistol hold
                    20 second rest
                    10 second L leg pistol hold
                    20 second rest

     4. 20 alternating Back Lunge pistols

Day 3

     1A. Alternating Cossack Squat 3 x 10
     1B. Inside squat 3 x 4

     2A. Pistol Deck squats 3 x 5 each side
     2B. Pistol Skiers 3 x 4 (each side)
                     See beginner gymnastics video 1

     3. For Time
            20 Touch and go Alternating Pistols to a LOW box

      4. Ankle Mobility stretches 
             At 1:02 and 1:20 in the above link are two positions utilizing bands to stretch your ankles
             Accumulate at least a minute per ankle per position with each of these stretches
      5. For Time
            20 Alternating Pistols

Day 4

      1. Ankle Mobility stretches 
             At 1:02 and 1:20 in the above link are two positions utilizing bands to stretch your ankles
             Accumulate at least a minute per ankle per position with each of these stretches

     2. Pistol Off/On Box Mobility Work
             Watch from 3:00 of the video in above link until the conclusion of the video
                       3 x 6 of these per side

     3.  3 Rounds (quickly but not for time)
               6 KB weighted pistols to a LOW box
               8 pistols to same LOW box
               10 pistols

Day 5

      1. Ankle Mobility stretches 
             At 1:02 and 1:20 in the above link are two positions utilizing bands to stretch your ankles
             Accumulate at least a minute per ankle per position with each of these stretches

             Watch the above link starting at 45 seconds and watch until the end of the video. 
              Some of you will need to pay special attention to the modification that is shown 3:15

     3A. Side to Side Squat 3 x 8 (not weighted)
     3B. Twisting Squats 3 x 2

     4. 30 Plate Weighted Pistols for time

Day 6

             Watch the above link starting at 45 seconds and watch until the end of the video. 
              Some of you will need to pay special attention to the modification that is shown 3:15

     2A. Weighted Speed Skater Squat 3 x 4 (each side)
     2B. Pistol Skiers 3 x 4 (each side)
                     See beginner gymnastics video 1

     3. Pistol Off/On Box Mobility Work
             Watch from 3:00 of the video in above link until the conclusion of the video
                       3 x 6 of these per side

     4. AMRAP in 3 minutes
            6 pistols
            1 burpee

Day 7

     1A. Alternating Cossack Squat 3 x 10
     1B. Twisting Squats 3 x 4

     2. Pistol Off/On Box Mobility Work
             Watch from 3:00 of the video in above link until the conclusion of the video
                       3 x 6 of these per side

     3. EMOM in 3 mins
          8 fast alternating touch and go KB weighted pistols to a LOW box

   Rest 30 seconds

     4. ME alternating pistols in 60 seconds

Day 8

      1. 4 x 10 fast and efficient pistols to a low box (Strict 60 second rest between sets)

             Watch the above link starting at 45 seconds and watch until the end of the video. 
              Some of you will need to pay special attention to the modification that is shown 3:15

     3A. Side to Side Squat 3 x 8 (weighted)
     3B. Twisting Squats 3 x 4



  1. Day 1 on 6/13/14

    3. EMOM with a 25lb plate
    4. 32 pistols in 90 seconds.

    Good pistol work movements. Thanks.

  2. Still not sure what an Inside Squat is.......

    1. The inside squat is an ankle mobility exercise.

      It can be performed one of two ways: 1. Feet flat on the floor or 2. Feet with outside foot edges on a thin ten pound plate.

      With feet planted as described above and about shoulder width apart, squat as described...1. bend at the knees and hips in order to bring your knees together 2. Lower yourself to a position that is low enough so that your ankle/knee/hip angles form an "X" 3. This will challenge your ankles to be more flexible and hopefully relieve some of the back and hamstring woes that can accompany pistols.

      Difficult to describe, video coming soon.
